407 456 1066
Pawfection dog Training
Meet our certified Therapy teams!
See the work of our therapy dogs on this Fox35 special with Amy Kaufeldt April 2019

Click the link below
and with Karen Abutine Remax Lake Mary showcasing Pawfection
therapy and search dogs’ work with schools on the link below;

Please meet our current working therapy handlers and dogs below.
Review their IDs and status together with specialist skills (to be added soon).
All are Police checked, many enhanced checked and registered public school dividends.
These teams have successfully completed an intensive 6 month course comprising both practical and written examinations. Their standards far exceed the AKC Canine good citizen requirements.
If you have a facility that would benefit from visits from our teams, please contact us on 407 456 1066
unlike some other providers we DO NOT CHARGE!
With standards and training that exceeds EVERY other company in the Country we are proud to be partnered with
Florida Regional Hospital
Seminole County public schools,
Orlando City Soccer,
Florida united methodist Children’s home,
Crooms Academy,
Wayman’s Place care home,
Regents of Winter Park care home,
Orange County Academy,
University of Central Florida (UCF)
Nova Southeastern University
West Oaks Academy, Orlando
Orange county Sheriffs office 911 dispatch
First United Church of Oviedo and many more.
Any of these will be happy to provide testament as to the quality and value
our teams bring to them and to the professionalism and care of the handlers and dogs.

Mentor/Coordinator for UMCH (children’s home)

Mentor/Coordinator for UMCH (children’s home)

Mentor/ Coordinator for Orange Academy

Mentor/Coordinator for UMCH (children’s home)

Mentor/Coordinator for Florida regional hospitals

Coordinator for Orlando City Soccer

Coordinator for Crooms Academy

Coordinator for UCF

Mentor /Coordinator for Seminole State College
Liaison for Seminole State schools

Expires March 26 2020

Expires March 26 2020

Expires March 26 2020

Expires March 26 2020

Expires March 26 2020

Expires March 26 2020

Expires March 26 2020

Expires March 26 2020

Stacy is now covering South Carolina
Expires November 2020