407 456 1066
Pawfection dog Training
Frequently asked questions

We are of course always delighted to speak to our new and prospective customers but to save your valuable time below are some of the most common questions we encounter together with answers for you.
Q. What kind of training do I need?
A. If your dog is displaying any of these behaviors, Jumping up at people/you, stealing food, destruction, running out of the door, excessive barking, aggression to humans or dogs– the list goes on … you need the in-home behavior modification training. Two hours is usually sufficient to cure most problems (with some homework on your part for the following 2-3 weeks)
If your dog is well behaved in your house but a nightmare outside on a leash because of either over excitement or a high chase drive then the group training will be perfect for you.
Q. Can you really fix a behavior problem in 2 hours?
A. Absolutely – in over 30,000 dogs trained only a very small percentage of dogs have required a second visit (check out our reviews on Angie’s list or join our facebook page at “pawfection dog training usa members page” and ask the question on there!)
Q. One of your competitors has told me on the phone that you can’t fix a problem in one session and that I will end up paying more in the long run, is that true?
A. We have been told that one of our competitors (a “franchise” trainer who uses only shock collars) has been telling people this. It is sad that someone could feel so threatened by our ability that they resort to this kind of marketing and sales. The truth is (backed by our reviews and Veterinary testimonials) that we absolutely can fix your problems in one session and remain far less expensive than these desperate, and under qualified franchise people.
Q. Why is it that other trainers have told me I need between 5 and 10 sessions with them to fix a problem?
A. Because they are inexperienced or because they are “milking” you for money or a combination of both – we can teach a dog to search for explosives or narcotics in 10 sessions so I don’t know what they are doing with their (or more importantly YOUR time!). Remember we give YOU the tools to train your dog and while we train it together for those 2 hours at the end of our time you don’t need me anymore but remember if you do need us we are there for you.
Q. So is it miracle training?
A. While it seems miraculous, you do have to play your part too, we provide the bricks and build the foundations and walls, if you don’t provide the mortar in the shape of homework and consistency, the walls will start to fall again. If however you stick to the simple homework for 3-4 weeks you’ll have a permanent structure that will last the years!
Q. So what do we need to do after you have gone?
A. Your “homework” is the key to your permanent success. Your dog needs consistency and repetition to imprint his or her brain with new skills and behavior patterns. If you do nothing after we leave your dog will typically revert to his or her former behaviors – remember we provide the bricks and the instruction manual – you provide the mortar ..
Q. How come you are so inexpensive? I always thought the more expensive the better and you get what you pay for?
A. Despite our market worth being around $750 per hour for our qualifications and experience we firmly believe that quality training should be available to all and so set our prices to be achievable for people.
This way we are able to make a difference to more people’s lives, more dogs get to keep their homes and my reputation spreads faster (leading as it has to TV, Radio, guest appearances at conferences and home shows etc). We work from Veterinarian referral and personal recommendations, we don’t advertise and we don’t solicit. There's also no "hard sell" when you call us, we are there for you when YOU are ready to make a decision.
Q. So you don’t charge “per dog” for the in-home training?
A. No, the price you are given covers behavioral modification for all dogs in your home. Unlike some other trainers we are committed to restoring the balance in your whole pack and to do that we need to address all the problems although more than 3 dogs will need a 3 hour session
Q. Do you train Husbands?
A. Yes the rates are $500,000 per hour (with no guarantee of success!)
That being said, and joking aside, we DO train the whole family to train the dog so you are all singing from the same sheet.
Q. What methods do you use?
A. Whatever method is suitable for your dog, while we are not a huge advocates of treats for EVERYTHING there is certainly a place for them in some activities that we teach you. No two dogs are the same and we need to work out what is best for you (having said that I will never use a clicker as they were designed for Sea life and I don’t believe that pain and suffering or pinning dogs down to the ground to curb unwanted behavior ever has a place in training). NOTHING we do will cause your dog pain and nothing we do will make your dog afraid of you.
Q. You trained my neighbor / friend’s dog – can’t I just use the same methods as you taught them, I’ve heard about a noise spray?
A. No, your dog is a different animal and requires a custom approach. Once we see what your dog’s problems are and where they come from the appropriate method of correction will be employed based on over 30 years of experience and REAL qualifications. Copying an friend’s methods may prove too much or too little and either can result in making existing problems worse or even injury to yourself if the dog challenges and bites you.
Q. Can I do the behavior modification AND group training?
A. Yes of course and for some dogs the two together compliment each other perfectly but if the behavior issues are aggression based we would have to do the in home session first for everyone’s safety.
Q. I have a puppy, what type of training should I undergo?
A. The simple answer is ideally both. The in-home session is like the instruction book for your new addition and the group training provides the confidence building, socialization and fun. If you invest early in your puppy’s life you will have a dog you can enjoy and be proud of for the next ten to fifteen years!
Q. What about the large stores offering training? Wouldn’t it be better to stick with a large chain store name – does that not give me more protection?
A. NO. The instructors there, while keen and often brimming with potential, have to stay within very strict guidelines for training set by the huge company. The Corporation does not want the trainer branching off on his or her own and so keep their knowledge base and operating practice to a bare minimum. Training areas in the stores are tiny and unrealistic and you will spend more time talking than “doing”. It is also designed to lure you into purchasing goods from the nearby shelves.
Q. Have you ever had a failure or come upon a dog you couldn’t fix?
A. No, and we have personally trained and rehabilitated over 30,000 dogs (But you have to play your part too, do your homework and follow our advice)
Q. Are you like The dog whisperer?
A. Our philosophy on the importance of leadership is similar but we have our own methods based on many tears of personal experience training and working dogs so our approach to problems may differ in some areas. We do produce the same instant results though. If we could sum up my methodology in 2 words it would be “Love” and “Leadership” and never physical abuse.
Q. Do I have to do six consecutive weeks or can I come whenever I can make it?
A. Where possible consecutive weeks hasten your progress but we do make arrangements for you to make up up to 2 weeks if you know you will be away at the start of the course so you don’t lose out. We do also add weeks in the case of spay or neutering. unfortunately spontaneous absences aren’t covered as they make class size management impossible.
Q. What do I do in the classes?
A. Classes are fun and there isn’t much standing still. We combine obedience with agility so that your dog has fun while learning the disciplines and we train outside where there are other distractions so it is “real life” training. We were the first to introduce this concept both in the UK and the US and while some other companies have tried to emulate us it is very difficult for others to match our experience and ability.
Q. How old does my puppy need to be to start training?
A. One week after the puppy’s second course of shots they are ready to start.
Q. How about the in-home training for puppies?
A. As soon as your puppy comes home (or even a week before his or her arrival) As the training is essentially for you so you know what to do, how to do it and when so as to stop issues as they arise and set realistic age appropriate goals the training will prepare you for your new arrival and the first year of your life with them remember we also come back to check on you when your puppy reaches the dreaded "teenage stage"
Q. Will Group training stop the in-home” problems?
A. No, big stores will pretend they will but “in home” problems need to be addressed in the environment in which they exist. They are also linked to leadership issues and obedience training does nothing to correct them.
Q. What standards do you achieve in your group training?
A. We aim for, and achieve, higher standards than other training companies or individual trainers. Our philosophy of making training affordable for all extends to the group training as well and we are cheaper than even the “non profits” We work hard on recalls, control and emergency stops – stuff you WILL actually use (we leave the trick training to the theme parks and the dog dancing to the insane!)
Q. How long do we attend the group training?
A. For as long as it takes to get to get you to where you want to be with your dog. How much work you put in during the week will dictate the speed of your progress as will the learning capabilities of your dog and your bond with it. A single 6 week course will give you a basic level of leash control and some basic low level agility. 8 six week courses (if you do your homework) will give you a dog that is better behaved than a service or Police dog.
Q. When can I join a class?
A. The classes run every week and they are paid for in blocks of six. You can start at any point without being disadvantaged as I know the individual capabilities of every dog and will push each to its own limit within the same exercise – that’s where the skill and experience come in and that’s one of the things the internet qualified “experts” can’t replicate try as they might!
Q. What do I have to bring to class?
A. Your dog, a collar and fixed 6 foot leash, a sense of humor and a smile (smiles will also be provided throughout your lesson).
Q. My dog wears a Halti/Gentle leader – is that okay in class?
A. Yes – for about 10 minutes until we show you that they don’t need it with the correct handling – Halti collars and gentle leaders are a just a short cut, a band aid on an arterial bleed and cause injury …. We can do better than that and constantly pulling a dog’s neck to one side can cause damage to the neck and spine.
Q. What “homework” do I have to do?
A. About 15 minutes a day incorporated into your daily walk – it makes the walk more enjoyable and improves the bond between you while cementing the skills you learn in class.
Q. Can you certify a service/therapy dog?
A. Yes, see our Therapy training page for details of our courses which have the highest standards in the country.
Q. What shots are required for training? Are all of the dogs attending training vaccinated?
A. All regular annual shots must be up to date, flea and tick treatment. Rabies tags for adult dogs MUST be worn at the park (State Law) Park Rangers do check and can require you to leave the park if the tag is not worn. Puppies may attend before their rabies shots but must have their first 2 shots.
Q. How big are the classes and how long are they?
A. Class sizes vary and due to our popularity but in the case that a class gets busy we will always split it down into smaller instructor led groups so that you aren’t standing around bored and you get the most from your time with us.
Classes are for an hour and it is a BUSY hour! In extreme weather times will be reduced to 45 mins to safeguard the health of you and your dog. Shade, water sprinklers and breaks are provided in the hot weather throughout the class.
Q.Will you be able to deal with aggression issues in group classes?
A. Aggressive dogs need an in-home session in order to teach you how and when to react to early signs that things are going wrong to “switch your dog off” Once you have control and the dog has an “off switch” you can bring him or her to the group but no dog or person WILL EVER be put in a position of danger and through your in – home education your dog will never present a threat to other class members.
Q. Does training stop in bad weather?
A. We will not train in Hurricanes, Tornados or lightning – We train in the rain (dogs don’t shrink and you still walk the dog in the rain) Dogs display different behaviors in different weather conditions and it is important for you to see, recognize and know how to handle each behavior if it occurs – we are a dog school who train real people and real dogs for for real life (not a superstore on 12 feet of sterilized polished tile). Although we have yet to see any in Florida we will still train in snow and ice!
Q. Why should I come and train in a training area of a dog park when I could go into an air conditioned building?
A. Because you don’t walk your dog in an air conditioned building! If you can keep your dog’s attention and attain a good level of control in a dog park you have reached your goal! Plus there isn’t anywhere that does what we do in air conditioning!
Q. Do I need to bring my own water for my dog?
A. While we do provide fresh water for all dogs in our classes health wise it is better for you to bring your own dog’s bowl and water if possible (would you want to share the linebacker’s Gatorade and bottle on the field?)
Q. I have 2 dogs, how can I bring them both to class?
A. We do have a secure holding pen within the training area where dogs can run and play while you train your other dog. If you wish to train both dogs in the same class you will need two handlers.
Q. Do I have to attend EVERY week with my dog or can other family members bring him/her?
A. While it is good for you to have the consistency of training your dog is the more important end of the leash. It is great for all the family to get involved with your dog and learn the techniques required for daily walking so no, you don’t have to attend every week with your dog – but don’t send him on his own!
Q. Do you train on public holidays?
A. Generally yes, the website (www.pawfectiondogtraining.com) and face book page (pawfection dog training USA members page) will carry announcements prior to a holiday.